Thank you for wanting to support our work!

We can receive tax deductible donations in the UK via either the New Israel Fund or the British Shalom Salaam Trust.

New Israel Fund

Donations through the NIF can be made by credit or debit card, cheque, or via wire transfer (see details below).

In either case, it is highly important to clarify – either in the comments box on the credit or debit card donation page, the notes on the bank transfer, or on a cover letter sent with the cheque – that the donation is meant for “972 Advancement of Citizen Journalism”. If you could also send an e-mail notifying about the donation and clarifying it is meant for “972-ACJ” to this address – – that would be splendid.

credit or debit card donations via NIF can be made on this page.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘New Israel Fund’ and sent to the following address:
New Israel Fund
Unit 2
Bedford Mews
London N2 9DF

Wire transfers in GBP should be sent to:
New Israel Fund (Registered Charity Number No 1060081)
Coutts & Company, 440 Strand, London
Sort: 18-00-02
Account number: 04206061
IBAN: GB37COUT18000204206061

If you could also inform us that the donation was made, we’ll be able to follow up and make sure it reaches us. For that, or any other questions, please email us:

British Shalom Salaam Trust

Donations through the British Shalom Salaam Trust (BSST) can be made by debit or credit card, Paypal, cheque, or wire transfer (see details below).

The easiest way to make a donation is by credit card on this page, designated for donations to +972.

If appropriate, please tick the ‘I wish to Gift Aid it’ box so that your donation will be increased by 25% without costing you extra. Please note that the banks deduct a small processing fee for direct debits.

If you use any other method, then YOU MUST ALSO TELL the British Shalom Salaam Trust by emailing to say you have donated to +972 and how much you have given.

If you wish to GIFT AID your donation as well (which you can do as a tax payer to increase the value of your donation by 25%), you must include in your email to BSST your home address, including post code, and the following declaration:

‘I am a UK taxpayer, I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I want BSST to treat all donations that I have made in the past four years, and all future donations to be Gift Aided until I notify you otherwise. I understand that BSST will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.’

Bank Transfer — You can make a donation directly by bank transfer. So that BSST knows who you are, please send them an email telling them about your donation, mention that it’s designated for +972, and if possible, please fill in a Gift Aid form or make a gift aid declaration (see below) by emailing, as this increases the amount that we can give without costing you extra. Our account details are:

Bank: HSBC
Account Name: BSST
Account No.: 11576585
Sort Code: 40-04-15

By Cheque —Send a cheque made out to BSST
to us at PO Box 39378, London SE13 5WH. Please always include your name and address with donations, and if possible complete a Gift Aid form or make a gift aid declaration by emailing, as this increases the amount that we can give without costing you extra.

Thank you!